Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments

Who: SOL assessments are administered to students at the conclusion of specific courses in grades 3-11.  Use the table below to determine if your child will be taking any SOL tests this year.
Grade Level SOL Assessments Administered
3rd Grade Reading & Mathematics
4th Grade Reading, Mathematics, & History/Social Science
5th Grade Reading, Mathematics, & Science
6th Grade Reading & Mathematics
7th Grade* Reading & Mathematics
8th Grade* Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, & History/Social Science
9th Grade* Math, Science, History/Social Science
10th Grade* Math, Science, History/Social Science
11th Grade* Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, & History/Social Science
*Beginning as early as the 7th grade, students can begin earning verified credits toward graduation by passing courses and passing the associated SOL assessment.  As students progress through high school, they might not be required to take SOL assessments for classes in which they are enrolled if they have already earned the verified credits required for graduation.  As such, the SOL assessments your child must take as he/she progresses through high school might be less exhaustive than the list in the table above.
What: The Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) establish a minimum set of expectations for what students across the commonwealth should be able to show at the end of select English, mathematics, science, and history/social science.  The SOL assessments measure the success of students in meeting these expectations.  All items on SOL assessments are reviewed by Virginia classroom teachers for accuracy and fairness.  Teachers also assist the state Board of Education in setting proficiency standards for the tests.
When: Dates of SOL assessments are dependent upon the grade level and courses in which your child is currently enrolled.  Students in grades 3-7 are scheduled to begin SOL assessments in May 2024.  Students in grades 8-11 might be enrolled in a semester-long or a year-long course.  Students who are enrolled in semester courses complete SOL assessments at the end of the semester during which they are enrolled in the course, while students who are enrolled in year-long courses will begin SOL assessments in March for writing and May for non-writing assessments.
Where: SOL assessments are administered in secure testing environments within the school buildings.
Why: In order to earn a standard diploma or advanced diploma, students must earn a number of standard credits and verified credits.  Students can earn standards credits by passing required and elective courses.  Students can earn verified credits by passing the course and the associated SOL assessments.  You may find more information on the Virginia Department of Education's Graduation Requirements page.