PGCPS' Innovative 'Technology Field Day' Initiative Recognized by VSBA for Excellence in Workforce Readiness

June 19, 2023

Prince George County Public Schools' annual Technology Field Day showcase was recognized by the Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) and its Excellence in Workforce Readiness Awards, receiving third place honors during the organization's Conference on Education hosted in Richmond on Thursday, July 13, 2023.

The Excellence in Workforce Readiness Awards program was created in 2018 by the VSBA Task Force on Workforce Readiness to highlight exemplary programs in Virginia's Public Schools focused on preparing the state's future workforce. The recognized districts were honored across three categories based on student population sizes, with Prince George County Public Schools placing third among school districts with student populations between 5,001 and 10,000 pupils. 

Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary
Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary
Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary PGCPS Logo Tech Field Day at Harrison Elementary

In Prince George, Technology Field Day is a division-wide event geared toward the district's fifth-grade students. During their school's event, the students rotate through stations developed and operated by Prince George High School CTE students that focus on the 21st-century learning skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, citizenship, and creativity, often referred to as the "Five Cs." 

During a field day event, stations are set up across the elementary school campus where students can learn coding through Sphero and Ozobot programming challenges, which include obstacle courses and path drawing to guide a round robot along a piece of paper. Prince George High School CTE students gave students a first-hand look at drone technology, while other secondary students delivered insightful demonstrations involving MakerBot 3D printing units, giving fifth graders a chance to learn about the growing field of additive manufacturing. 

The mission of Tech Field Day seeks to increase enrollment in the division's Career and Technology Education courses and create life-ready graduates. Programs like Tech Field Day also support the division's 2022-27 Comprehensive Plan as Prince George County Public Schools looks to introduce new course pathways to expand student opportunities for Career and Technical Education courses.

To see more from Technology Field Day, visit the division's Flickr channel.