Marcos Torres

2023-24 Teacher of the Year: Prince George Education Center
Question-Answer Session
TorresMarcos Torres

How Long Have You Been Part of the PGCPS Family?

I have been part of the PGCPS family for about 4 years, A year at JEJ Moore and the ED Center and then the following 3 years at the Ed Center.


Please Share Your Thoughts on Being Named Teacher of the Year & What This Recognition Means to You.

To be honest I was really surprised that I was nominated by my amazing team. Every one of my colleagues could have easily gotten and deserved to be named Teacher of The Year because we all give so much to our students.


What Inspired You to Enter the World of Teaching and Education?

I am believe in making positive changes and I wanted to help students and the future generation strive to be better.


Finally, What Do You Consider the Most Important Lesson You Help Students Learn?

Life skills and how to cope with every day stressors. Our children and sutdents go through so much on a day to day basis and that's just if they show us what they are struggling with.  They have the whole world at the palm of their hands and it can be overwhelming to deal with the constant influx of changes, information and trends and learning how to navigate that is crucial.