Teri York

2023-24 Teacher of the Year: J.E.J. Moore Middle School
Question-Answer Session
YorkTeri York

How Long Have You Been Part of the PGCPS Family?

I have taught in Prince George County for many years, all of which have been at Moore.  After one year of teaching 7th grade Social Studies, I moved to 7th grade Language Arts and have been teaching English ever since.


Please Share Your Thoughts on Being Named Teacher of the Year & What This Recognition Means to You.

While this is quite an honor, and I am truly appreciative, I prefer to stay out of the spotlight and focus on my family and my students. They have always been my priority and recognize my efforts each day.


What Inspired You to Enter the World of Teaching and Education?

Like many of us, I was inspired by some amazing teachers in my life.  From elementary school to college, I can think of many teachers who served as role models for me.  I've always loved kids, so it just seemed like a natural fit.  To this day, my students can make me laugh on some of the hardest days; I know this is where I'm meant to be.  It's the reason I'm still in the classroom. 


Finally, What Do You Consider the Most Important Lesson You Help Students Learn?

Kids need constant encouragement in knowing that it's okay if they don't understand something the first time or if they don't do well on a test.  We put so much pressure on our kids to perform well on standardized testing, but these tests don't define them as people; their actions do. They need to know that as long as they try their best and ask for help when they need it, they will do great things!